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November 2011

Election Nov. 8th early voting ends Nov. 4th

International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted ChurchNovember 13th See two reasons why we need to pray at end of this issue.

Reverend Jakob Klingenberg, II
preached his first sermon at Anderson Road Baptist Church in October 1970 and his last sermon September 25, 2011 completing 41 years of ministry to the people of this area. On September 28th he left this earth and the hundreds of people who had come to love and admire a godly man.
Born September 13, 1928 in Huffnungstall, Siberia Russia, Klingenberg and his family moved to . to Germany to escape the Communist oppression only to come under the rule of Hitler. For seven years Jakob did not see his father who served as a Russian translator in the German army. When Jakob was 14 years old he was put in command of 100 boys in the Hitler Youth program. He saw many of his young friends sent to the front lines. His family had to flee once again when the Russians moved in. Some years later Jakob at the age of 21 received Christ as his Savior. Two years later, his family immigrated to the U. S. He got his GED, served in the army artillery from 1953 to 1955, and married Janell June Lengefeld in December of ‘55.
After getting his BA and Master of Religious Education degree, he worked as a rice farm manager, elevator operator, supervisor of a work crew, and drove school buses while pasturing churches in Tennessee and South Dakota. While a pastor at Anderson Road, he taught at Broadway Baptist school.
When the demographics of the area changed, Klingenberg changed from a pastor of a predominately white church to a diversified congregation. The color of a persons skin did not affect his goal in the lives of the people he served. That goal was, “that you would come to know Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour and grow in your walk with the Lord.” A favorite verse of his was Philippians 1:6—“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

Arcola Police Chief Under Fire
Arcola Mayor Anderson has received complaints from citizens and businesses about Arcola’s police chief. She asked for a special meeting to address the concerns but two of the city council members, Mrs. Mathews and Mrs. Jackson, failed to attend the meeting. There must be four out of five council members in a special meeting to make decisions, so nothing was accomplished although many interested residents attended. The mayor can call for a meeting but she can not vote. At a regular session, held on the second Tuesday of the month, four members do not need to be present so the matter will have to wait until then. Arcola will keep their police department.

Robin G. isn’t looking for money or fame, she just loves her community and cares about the safety of children and the elderly. The sidewalk along Bathurst gets covered with weeds so people walk in the street, For seven years she has cleared the weeds on both sides of the sidewalk for about a half mile. She doesn’t feel too kindly towards the tax exempt owner of the property for not taking care of it but she decided fussing doesn’t do any good. She can see to it that the people have a safe place to walk. Robin takes pride in community, but she can’t do anything to slow down the speeders who have crashed into five houses on Bathurst. She hopes the city will take care of that problem.

INTERESTINGIn Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to “Press 1 for English. Press dos for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”! Here is the number 1-888-678-8914. I called but I really couldn’t understand the Arabic words for press 3.

Parents, Teachers, Students, Almeda School Helpers All of the above joined in helping Ms. Nikki Skinner’s dream come true. Pictured on the far right with the shovel, Ms. Skinner is the scientist teacher at Almeda Elementary. No Child Left Inside is her idea of the best way to teach science as research backs up her idea that children learn best in outdoor activities. A project such as this connects the kids to the land. They learn ways to provide for themselves and care for the land.
Some of the children, have a lot to learn like Adrian who is in kindergarten. He wants to plant pineapples, apples, watermelons, and coconuts. His brother, Abram wants to raise tomatoes and marshmallows. Their dad liked the idea that his boys were learning to build and work together.
Energetic fourth grader, Hector Almanza, worked hard and fast unloading dirt to help fill 12 garden plots. He enjoys “landscaping” and said, “I think with my help Almeda and the world can be a brighter place.”
Wes Wofford, who is standing next to Ms. Skinner, also worked to make Almeda a brighter place. His mother, Virginia Whitley attended Almeda school 65 years ago. Wes’ wife, Cecilia, works in the office at Almeda. She is responsible for reaching people who donated food for the event. Subway on 288 near Almeda Genoa donated “Subs”, Mimi’s CafĂ© in Pearland’s Town Center supplied scrumptious muffins and Auntie Annie’s Pretzels, inside HEB, provided pizza and Cinnamon Bites.
In the photo standing between Wes and school maintence, Mr. Hanley, is Wendy Hawkins. She and her husband Johnny represented Azko Nobel, Almeda’s business partner. Johnny kept working when the sun caused some to slow down.
The group wearing orange shirts are from Home Depot. When Ms. Skinner asked the Home Depot manager Glenda Tolliver for help, she immediately responded. Ironic, one of the crew from Home Depot was Julio Nazquez, a former student.
Ms. Skinner says , “You receive not because you ask not.”
Skinner asked TSCPA for a grant and received $1900 to buy the lumber, dirt, and gravel she needed. Burpee donated seed.
She won’t need to ask for money again as some of the produce will be sold to raise funds for seed, fertilizer, and plants. Some of the vegetables the students raise will be cooked in the cafeteria. The Almeda Garden Gophers will promote advertisement of the benefits of eating greens from their garden.
Ms. Skinner has found more than one way to teach.

Use words to fill hearts with joy
Not to destroy
Use words to heal
Not to kill or make ill
Use words to give life
Not to stir up strife
Stay in God’s perfect will.
© Copyright by Emmaline Wiley.
A soft answer turns away wrath: but harsh words stir up anger. The tongue of the wise uses knowledge aright but the mouth of fools pours out foolishness. Proverbs 15:1&2 Death and life are in the power of the tongue. - 18:31 Ephesians 4:25-32.

OCCUPY ORLANDO People are protesting through out the country. Every wonder who is organizing the protests. Guess who signed the application for the use of Orlando’s Johnson Park for the Orlando protest? According World Net News it was Shayan Elahi, the attorney who fought to have a Rifqa Bary returned to her parents. Rifqa became a Christian and feared her Muslim parents would kill her to protect their honor.
In the video on World Net News, Elahi was taking a leadership role in Occupy Orlando. On their facebook page it says, “ our brothers and sisters in Egypt, Greece, Spain, and Iceland we plan to use the revolutionary Arab Springs tactic of mass occupation to restore democracy in America.”
Let’s see restore democracy by taking away what some earn and letting the government distribute it. All these rich people, does that include the athletes, who work their guts out when they were kids to be the very best? Or is it just the ones who were gifted with a high degree of intelligence like Bill Gates who prefer to excel in business than play? What is to keep the ones in government who do the distributing from becoming greedy and giving to their greedy friends? Whose fault is it when the government takes taxpayer money and gives it to corporations?
Ron Paul aims to cut $1 trillion in spending during his first year in office, in part by "eliminating five cabinet departments (Energy, HUD, Commerce, Interior, and Education), abolishing the Transportation Security Administration and returning responsibility for security to private property owners, abolishing corporate subsidies, stopping foreign aid, ending foreign wars, and returning most other spending to 2006 levels.
Reducing the size of the sacred cow of government is one reason why Republicans and Democrats try to ignore Paul.

ANOTHER SCAMCheck your receipt when you use your credit card as the cashier may add a cash back to your bill and then pocket the cash or hand it to a friend who is next in line.
ECONOMIC SOLUTION Senator Rand Paul’s solution is to “cut a penny from every dollar the government spends and balance the budget in 7 years.”

FOR YOU OR YOUR DOG Skunk's musk is the essence of putrid rot, a concentration of the same aromatic chemicals found in decomposing flesh. If you or your dog falls victim, forget the tomato juice bath. Follow the recipe proven by chemists to neutralize skunk smell: 1 quart fresh hydrogen peroxide, 1/4 cup baking soda and 1 teaspoon liquid soap. Wash with the mixture while it's still bubbling." It works according to an article in the Feb 2007 issue of Field and Stream

FEEDBACKThat was a land phone not a cell phone that my friend paid $52.03 for a six minute cell phone collect call she accepted

FYIRodrigo Carreon says that the Metro bus runs every 15 minutes from 5am to 7:45 and every 15 minutes 3:30-7pm from the bus stop next to Kroger on Hwy. 6. Bus tickets can be purchased at Krogers.

HOW DO YOU WALK? In a letter to the Ephesian Christians, Paul begs them to walk, or live, worthy of their calling. To be worthy must mean go to church, give a tenth of your income, don’t lie, cheat, or steal. Strange but it doesn’t mention any of those things. Instead Paul writes, “to walk worthy with all humility, gentleness, with patience putting up with each other’s shortcomings with love.” Ephesians 4:2
That word humility does not exactly fit in with most Americans attitude of being # 1. Nor is that the attitude some fine church-going people display. But humility should be the #1 characteristic of Christians. For true believers understand how unworthy they are to be called the children of God. That it is only because of the love of Jesus and the sacrifice of his life for us that we can be forgiven. Because Jesus conquered death we can receive Him into our life. It is by his grace not by anything we do that enables us to live a life that pleases God.
No way could we ever pay for all He has done for us.

The burned face of 10-year-old Namrata exemplifies the horror Indian Christians face every day. As radical Hindus attacked her village, a bomb exploded and burned 40 percent of her body. The Voice of the Martyrs paid for her medical care. After 45 days in the hospital, her face was fully healed. Namrata has dedicated her life to spreading the gospel.

A radical Muslim slashed this 4-year-old girl’s arm during an attack on the Christian village of Dogo Nahawa in Nigeria. Her arm had to be amputated. Let’s pray on the 13th of every month for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.