The San Jacinto High School building, constructed in 1914 is now in the National Registry of Historic Places. It was established in 1926 as a high school. For years kids from Almeda and Fresno graduated from San Jacinto. Besides all the famous Almeda and Fresno San Jacinto graduates, some other people of note from Houston also finished high school there like Walter Cronkite, Kathy Whitmire, David Westheimer, Roy Hofheinz and Dr. Denton A. Cooley. The building was sold to Houston Community College in 1985. It is presently used as a HCC Central College.
Edward Snowden has been called a traitor. The dictionary says a traitor is a person who betrays another’s trust, , is false to an obligation or duty, or commits treason. The definition of treason is: to attempt by overt acts to overthrow the government.
Seems to me that a lot of the employees in our federal government have betrayed our trust and our country. Since our government is of the people, by the people and for the people, what right does the employees of the government have to hide stuff from the people.
Why are Mosques exempt from government surveillance, when citizens are not?
The government claims Snowden revealed info they need for our safety. I suppose it is for our safety that Kereem Shora was appointed to the Homeland Advisory council and Arif Alikhan to be the Asst. Secretary for Policy development. According to an article published Dec. 22, 1912. in the Egyptian magazine, Rose El-Youssef, these “devout Muslims” are among the six American Islamist activists who work with the Obama administration and are Muslim Brotherhood operatives who enjoy strong influence over U.S. policy. Aren’t they the ones who say America is their enemy?
Should you be concerned about surveillance if you don’t do anything wrong? With an estimated 4,500 criminal law offenses and 300,000 criminal regulations on the books and more rules and regulations being made every day, it is likely that we break some regulation and don’t even know it. Instead of a traitor, Compared to what some people are doing that is destroying this country, Edward Snowden is a patriotic, brave hero.
Look at what else our government wants to do. Congress will vote on a Comprehensive Immigration Reform, which includes an actual National ID system that would be required for all U.S. citizens in order to hold a job legally. A National Database with biometric information would also be created, allowing government bureaucrats to track an American’s every move. Ask your representatives to OPPOSE any legislation requiring U.S. citizens to obtain a National ID card just to get a job or any other bill that would establish a National ID program that includes biometric scanning or tracking devices even if the bill has other good points.
Received the
Small Church
Lay Leader Award
of the Houston South District.
Tom Maples, is on the go and has been at Almeda United Methodist Church since he joined the church in 1997. He is an officially retired Army Major, but the amount of work he does at the church sounds like he has a full time job.
Tom served on the Board of Almeda UMC, Administrative Council Chair, Lay Delegate to Annual Conference, Treasurer, member of Nurture Committee, Long Range Planning Committee. and Trustee Chair (when no one else would serve).
He has instigated all repairs to the church, and Memorial Building. He has replaced doors and door frames on choir room and the pastor’s office, repaired the back entrance to the church, built concrete ramps, installed new lights in church bathrooms and the Fellowship Hall. Tom has chaired all of our fund raisers, most recently the purchase of a digital hymnal.
He chairs the ushers, is a greeter, counter, computerizes all of our financial records to meet the United Methodist system of accounting, and repairs facility computers.
Tom works with the Special Needs Members from Noah’s House, the adjacent facility for the developmentally challenged. After his wife encouraged one resident at Noah’s House to crochet caps for babies, Tom takes them weekly to M. D. Anderson Hospital and other hospitals for children.
We need twice as much space if we listed all of the ways Tom serves his church, but when you walk in the door his smile exemplifies God’s love for him and you. His love for Christ comes from his childhood upbringing in the church and from the inspiration of his mother-in-law whom he cared for in his home until her demise in her 90’s.
He is the kind of person who volunteers for years but never see on the news. On top of all his service he is battling Lymphoma.
As a volunteer, Tom is qualified to be awarded, not just for the Small Church Lay Leader Award of the Houston South District, but for all of Texas of all churches.
Have you ever read an old, old letter? Maybe a 100 years old. Even if you didn’t know the person you value the letter because of its age. How about letters that are almost 2,000 years old?
The New Testament, written after Jesus came to earth, consists for the most part of letters, called epistles. Paul wrote 13 letters. His letters start with a letter to the Romans, then to the church in Galatia, to the Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and two letters to the Thessalonians. First and Second Timothy and Titus were letters to young men he had trained to be pastors. Philemon was to a friend asking mercy for a slave.
Other letters were written by James, Peter, John and Luke. Luke, wrote two very long letters to Theophilus. The first one was “of all that Jesus began both to do and teach.” That letter is called the Gospel of St. Luke. Gospel is a word that means Good News. The next letter Luke wrote was Acts which was about the early church.
The first book in the New Testament was written by Matthew to show that the Jesus fulfilled all the requirements of the Messiah who was promised through out the Old testament to the Jewish nation. The next gospel is Mark showing that Jesus was a man and John wrote the last gospel to emphasize the divinity of Christ.
The reason these letters have survived is because God inspired the men what to write and HE intended them to be just as much for us as they were for the people 2,000 years ago.
Some people shy away from these letters in the Bible because they challenge us to the kind of life we are helpless to live. No surprise to God. Over and over the letters contain words to show us that we can please God when we depend on Him. Read chapter two, verses 8 and 9 in the letter to the Ephesians.
Why didn’t anybody from Texas sign the 4th of July Declaration of Independence?
You think that question is a joke? You might be surprised how many people said “I don’t have a clue.”
Don’t know your Texas history? You can learn a little Texas history and a whole lot of local history in Back Yonder in Almeda. Pick up a copy at Debbie’s Barber Shop for $12 or have a copy mailed for $14.50. Send check to Our News P. O. Box 450336 Houston, TX 77245. Call 713-433-1098 for more info.
Every one is invited to celebrate the 4th of July in Arcola in the Arcola Feed & Tack parking lot at 6215 FM 521. The festivities will start at 6:30. The first 300 to attend will receive a free T-Shirt commemorating the 12th anniversary of the event in Arcola. This is a great opportunity for the whole family to have fun. The mayor and city council would like to express their appreciation to all the businesses that have provided everything needed to have the best 4th ever. Special thanks to the Jurica and Bly families for allowing the city to use their property. The names of all the sponsors will be posted so you too can thank them for their donations.
A great big Thank You to the Fresno Volunteer Fire Department, who is always on hand and ready. Especially needful since Arcola does not have city water in that area. With three contractors hard at work installing water lines, it shouldn’t be long before all of Arcola will have city water.
Happy Birthday
Virginia Sosa Hernandez July 2, 1921
Virginia has seen and done a lot in the last 92 years , but other than her family she is most proud of the part she had in making the sleepy town of Arcola a city. Citizens held their first meetings in her restaurant. For fear Arcola would be annexed into Pearland or Houston, they worked through the hassles of becoming a city. “Arcola began to grow after she and her husband built the Arcola ballroom attracting people for miles” Virginia says. “I will always love my city.” Her daughter, Linda says, “Mom will stay with me in Arcola until the Lord takes her home.”
You can see Wark riding across your TV screen in a new commercial for HEB in their advertisement for What A Burger’s mustard and catsup products.
James Madison, the fourth president, known as The Father of Our Constitution' made the Following statement: 'We have staked the whole of all our political Institutions upon the capacity of mankind for Self-government, upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves according to The Ten Commandments of God.'
“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Declaration of Independence - 2nd paragraph. If you would like a complete copy of the Declaration of Independence emailed to you make your request to Be sure and put in subject line Our News or Request for Declaration.
Do the leaders you elected reflect your values?. Let them know how you stand on issues. A farm bill is coming up. In 2008, it was projected to cost $604 billion. This year they want to spend $940 billion. If you think government should spend less then call your representative, Al Green @281 575 1635 or Pete Olson @ 281 494 2690. Your call will at least let them know you care about what they are doing and that you will be voting.
Save Gas
The gas nozzle has low, middle and high speed. Use the low speed. The high speed increases the liquid which turns into vapors which are sucked back into the underground tank so you're getting less worth for your money. One of the most important tips is to fill up when your gas tank is HALF FULL. The reason for this is the more gas you have in your tank the less air occupying its empty space. Gasoline evaporates faster than you can imagine. Also you get more gas and less vapors if the gas is cool so buy in the early morning.
Importance of a Horse’s Rear End
US standard railroad gauge (distance between the rails) is 4 feet, 8.5 inches. That's an exceedingly odd number. Why was that gauge used ?
Because the first roads were built by the Romans to accommodate the width of two horses rear ends. Later the same tools and jigs were used to build wagons with wheels that would fit into the ruts made by Roman war chariots which were the only long distant roads in Scotland. So when Scottish immigrants came to America, they designed our railways the way they were in Scotland.
When the booster rockets for the Space Shuttle were designed they wanted to make them bigger but they had to be small enough to travel through a tunnel from the plant which was just a little wider than a regular rail line.
When you see a Space Shuttle booster rockets, remember that their design were partly controlled by the design of a Roman chariot wide enough to accommodate the rear ends of two horses. Condensed from an article sent by John Walker.
If you love me, you will…. If you don’t give me what I want, you don’t love me. That might be a child’s concept of love. Sad to say many adults hold that view about God when things go wrong. If God is love, I John 4:8,and HE is all powerful, why does HE let us go through so many hardships and heart aches? Especially, his own children which we can become according to John 1:12.
Sometimes it seems that when a person turns to God their problems get worse. In I Peter 4:12, it says, “Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened to you. But then Romans 12:1 says “All things work together for good.” How do you explain little children being in pain. How can that possibly be good or even work for good?
First you got to quote the rest of that verse. All things work together for good to them who love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. You’ve seen or heard of people who have suffered chronic pain for years and yet they live a life full of love, joy, and trust fulfilling God’s purpose for their life. Others were born with a silver spoon and never denied a thing, yet they are miserable to the point of not wanting to live.
So which person does God love? God’s love is for whosoever will accept it, regardless of who you are, what you have done, or what you can do. And the great news is that we can let Him love others through us. I Corinthians chapter 13 gives a great definition of love.
Fort Bend County Museum Association
A recent Victorian Tea Party was held at the historic home of Congressman John M. Moore.
The mission of the Fort Bend County Museum Association is to preserve the history of Fort Bend County and the surrounding area. The Association strives to inspire and educate the public for the purpose of strengthening awareness and appreciation of cultural heritage for future generations. The Fort Bend County Museum Association has preserved and interpreted Fort Bend County and Texas history since 1967. For more information, please visit and
CORRECTION: Frances Woodruff leads the Almeda Methodist "Seasoned Citizens" that meets on the first Tuesday of the month. All welcome. (not just the Methodist Women) Frances is Sec/treas of Almeda Cem Assn. Shirley Brehm is Asst Treas. Frances moved to Missouri City and the phone number is 832-288-4728
FEEDBACK: Ms. Cage has been an outstanding principal for the last eleven years, here at Almeda Elementary. She has always been a people’s person, in that she always wanted to make sure that the needs of her students, parents, teachers, or community members were first met before giving attention to other lesser important details. She has always been open minded and available to meet with and to discuss ways in which Almeda Elementary could improve. She was the perfect principal, when the bond passed, a few years ago, to be at the center of leading the charge in having a new school built. With a new school, brand new equipment, and new faces as well, it is hard to imagine that her face will no longer be a consistent reminder that Almeda is about ensuring that the needs of the Almeda community be met. People first is what Ms. Cage has always symbolize to me, and our children has always been her first priority.
Dennis Monmouth Teacher Technologist
Almeda Elementary.
FBC Commissioner Morrison, Precinct 1, will be hosting a Town Hall Meeting in Arcola on July 11th at the Arcola City Hall located at 13222 Hwy 6 from 6:30 P.M. till 8:00 P.M. He will be discussing any concerns that the residents of Prec. 1 may have.
Almeda Moe
"Moe, is it true you have high cholesterol?
"That’s what the doctor said."
"What are you going to do? Take a pill or watch your diet and exercise?"
"Don't worry about it I got everything under control," Moe replied
"You gonna take pills."
"No. I’m gonna get another doctor."
Summer Book Sale of the Friends of Sienna Branch Library,
8411 Sienna Springs Blvd., Missouri City, will be Thursday, July 18, 6-8 p.m., Friday, July 19, 10:00 a.m.-4 p.m., and Saturday, July 20, 10:00 a.m.- 2 p.m. Thousands of gently used children’s and adult books, CDs, videos and DVDs will be for sale. Most are $.50- 1.00. Special books, such as autographed or out-of-print copies, are slightly more expensive. For more info. contact
VBS at Almeda United Methodist Church will start July 21st thru the 25th. Sunday starts with supper at 5:30pm. Mon. –Thurs 6pm to 8:30.
To announce VBS in August free of charge call or email before the 25th.
Vinson Library
3810 West Fuqua 832-393-2120 Open Tue. & Wed. 10-6 Thurs 12-8 Fri. 1-5 Sat. 10-5 Closed Sun. & Mon.
Multi-Center open Mon. –Fri.
Sienna Branch Library
8411 Sienna Springs Blvd. 281-238-2900 Regular programs have resumed. This summer, Sienna Branch Library will present “Camp Sienna Teen Computer Classes” for students between the ages of 13 and 18. The classes are designed to help teens navigate school assignments and create fun projects. The classes will begin at 2:00 pm, in the Computer Lab of the library. The classes are free and open to the public. Reservations are required. To register online (, click on “Calendar,” select “Sienna Branch,” and find the program. Participants may also register by calling 281-238-2952, or by visiting the library.
Family movies: July 2nd at 6pm, July 12th at 2pm, July 16th at 6 pm and July 26th at 2pm. At Sienna Branch Library.
Library closed July 4th
ALMA LOU RILEY died Saturday March 2, 2013 Alma, the oldest of six children of Isome and Ella Kearney Sr. grew up in Almeda. She graduated from Jack Yates High School and later married a local boy, Lawrence Wilson Riley. Lawrence and Alma built a home on her father’s property where they raised five children surrounded by the homes of Alma’s siblings. Alma worked as a nurse for the Harris County Hospital District and later as a personal care worker. Preceded in death by her parents, her husband of 51 years, sisters: Emma and Bettye Jo; and sons: Ronnie Eugene and Lawrence Jr., Alma is survived by her children: Brenda, Karen, and Gerald; a daughter-in-law, Johnnie Riley, siblings: Isome, LeRoy and Lillian; grandchildren: Angela, Sonya, Carla, Donyea Sherman, Ebony, Jessica, Emanuel; greats: Lauryn, Jayden, Jaylen, Serenity, and Jaida.
JOHNNY RILEY JR.. born August 6, 1952 died Saturday March 9, 2013. Johnny was born in Almeda, Texas. As a youth, he received Christ at St. John Missionary Baptist Church. Johnny graduated from Madison High School. For many years he worked at Almeda Water Well and Anderson Radiator Repair. Preceded in death by parents Emma/ Johnny Riley; brother White David Riley, he is survived by longtime companion, Sandra Humphrey-Hadnot, children: Johnny Riley III, Lambert”Donte” Riley, Ieshia Riley brother Herbert Riley, sisters Cynthia, Doris, Jacqueline, and Sharon; an uncle, Rev. Fred Riley and other relatives.
RON SEARCY 64, was born December 22, 1948 passed away May 28, 2013 in Dallas. He attended Almeda School. He died of a heart attack just six days after his mother, Lois Wistrand Searcy passed away. A difficult time for all the family.
MAUREEN WEAVER BLAZEK 81 born in Pierce Junction, Texas died Saturday. June 15 2013 in Wallis. Preceded in death by her husband, Leroy Blazek, siblings: Joe and Cleo, she is survived by her children Carol Blazek and Louis Blazek; grandchildren Joseph and James.