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June 2013 Vol. 19 No. 10


After living in the heart of Almeda in the same house for 55 years where she and her husband raised three children, Frances has decided to move.
Frances is one of those quiet people who do so much to benefit others in our community. Serving as the secretary of the Almeda cemetery association, active in the Methodist women’s group and in her own church at Southway Community, she also helps in the Good News Club at Almeda School and is always ready to answer a call for help from her neighbors and friends. While no longer living in the heart of Almeda, Frances still has Almeda in her heart and plans to continue being active in the community.
As you drive east on Beltway 8, do you appreciate how beautiful the Almeda Cemetery is? Ken Moore is responsible. For years he has freely given his time to maintain the cemetery at his own expense. We seldom see Ken but we certainly enjoy the results of his labor. Thanks Ken Moore. 
Honorary Associate Degree
Houston Community College recognized Linda Scurlock, President of the South Houston Concerned Citizens Coalition, with an Honorary Associate Degree on May 18th at their Commencement Ceremony.
Archeology Site work was done at the Historic Bethel Missionary Baptist Church until May 12th. The first church was built in 1891 by Jack Yates. It was rebuilt after the 1900 hurricane. In 1923 it was built again and yet again in 1950. That church building burned down. Under the 1923 cement slab is where the archeologist work took place before the city started working on Bethel Park which will open this summer at 801 Andrews St. in the Fourth Ward.

Arcola Election Results
         Greg Abarr with 52 votes won the city council seat that Lizzie Jackson (25votes) held. Tom Hilton, (54 votes) and Rosie Rojas (46 votes) retained their seats. Rojas was chosen to be Mayor Pro-Tem.
         After the election Tom Tuffly sent in his resignation since he now resides at Harbour Tower in League City in a nursing home. You can reach Tom at 281 772 7521.
The council voted for Florencia Martinez to fill his spot. She had placed 4th in the number of votes cast.  
Rosie Rojas is excited to head up the Fourth of July celebration. She was one of the driving forces in getting the event started 12 years ago when Roy Jackson was mayor.
This year it will be held in front of the Arcola Feed and Tack at 6215 Hwy 521. The Bly family will allow the use of adjoining property. Once again as they have since 2001, the Pate family will provide fireworks. The Johnson family has joined in to help also. The businesses and individuals have worked together to give the community all that is needed to make the 4th an exciting, event right in their own town where everything will be free. Rojas would like to thank all who have helped in the past and those who will help this year. Call her at 281-543-6762 or call city hall 281 431 0606 to donate.
Ms. Cage’s Farewell Letter

       I cannot believe after 11 years at Almeda and 31 years in Houston ISD and 38 years in Education, I am saying good-bye to being a teacher, a mentor and a principal.  
       The Almeda Community and Parents have been the best.   The Almeda community, parents and staff are so much of a family that it is very hard to say good-bye. I know this community is part of my family now and I cannot say good-bye but so long for now.
      Over the 11 years I have been at Almeda, I have been in  3 different buildings and 2 locations. We have grown from 600 – 860 last year and this year we are 760. 
      We have a wonderful new building that our students, parents and staff love. I have been so fortunate to have such great neighbors with the two churches adjacent to Almeda  pastured by Reverend B. Taylor and Reverend Foger who are always here for us and another church, Almeda Antioch Missionary Baptist Church, whose minister, Revered Sammie Morris has been on our SDMC committee for many years.
        Almeda has been so fortunate to have  businesses within our community who wanted to partner with Almeda, again this is like a real family. Almeda’s Business Partners, located only a mile or two up and down Almeda Road are Akzo Nobel for 10 years, Nalco-Champion for 7 years and Dupont for 1 year. We have also partnered with Sis Andrews who publishes “Our News” to get information to our community. All of these partnerships have benefited Almeda Elementary from judging Science Fairs to serving on committees, to planting shrubs and cleaning up our community around the school.
      With our state testing through the years, we have been up and down with the State Accountability ratings. A couple of years ago, we reached “Exemplary” and with the new state testing called STAAR, we have not been rated yet. Almeda will receive an Accountability rating this fall based on the new STAAR state testing.
       I want again to thank the Almeda Community for a wonderful 11 years . I wish the parents, students and staff of Almeda Elementary the very best.
       Ms. Cage was asked about all her accomplishments at Almeda, instead she sent the above. For 11 years she gave her all to improve Almeda even through the upheaval of moving a school twice. She didn’t mention the hard work of bringing Almeda up to Exemplary status. We have lost a great asset to our community. We know that wherever or whatever she decides to do she will do it very well as she did here. We also wish the very best for you Ms. Cage. God bless you.
Beverley “Potts” Eugene Rhodes 84, passed away May 6, 2013 in Liberty, TX. Born in Almeda, TX in 1928, Potts lived on White Road while his father worked in the surrounding oil fields. Potts thought nothing about his mild mannered father coming home from work at the Blue Ridge oil field  wearing a hog leg, long barrel 45. Blue Ridge was pretty rough in the 20’s and 30’s. Potts went to Almeda ISD through the 8th grade. The next year he went to San Jacinto as AISD joined HISD. Potts was in the last class to graduate from the 11th grade. A Production Foreman in the oil industry for many years, he was also a 32 degree Mason. Besides teaching Masons, Potts loved hunting and training dogs. Preceded in death by his wife, Billie Sue; parents, Virgil/Ada; siblings: Malcomb, Donald, and Marion, he is survived by a son Michael Rhodes. If you would like to share his memories go to

Joyce Evelyn Atkinson, age 75, went to be with the Lord, Tuesday, May 7, 2013. Preceded in death by her son, James Randall Burkhalter, she is survived by daughter, Patricia O'Neill; sons, Wayne Atkinson, Greg and Jimmy Burkhalter; five grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren, Services were at Earthman Resthaven Cemetery.
Me maw ~ I couldn't have ask for a better Grandmother. You were always just a phone call away anytime I needed you. Your calming voice and encouragement always made any situation better. Your strong Faith in Christ gave us all reassurance that "Through Christ all things are possible." You touched the lives of so many and I am so proud to call you my grandmother. I will miss you everyday till I see you again and I know you will be watching over all of us from above and guiding us as you always did. I love you Me-maw!!! Hugs and kisses oxoxoxo Love always ~  Stephanie Ainsworth,

STEPHEN DANIEL EPPS born August 13, 1953 passed away May 21, 2013. Danny became a member of the Almeda Bible Church in the early 1960’s. Preceded in death by his father, J. D. Epps; brother, Michael Timothy Epps, Danny is survived by his wife, Tina; son, Ryan Daniel; mother, Eva Epps.

LOIS WISTRAND Searcy 86, passed away May 22, 2013. She graduated from San Jacinto High School in 1944. Preceded in death by her parents, Elmer and Elsie Wistrand, a son, Philip, she is survived by her husband, Ted Searcy, sons: Ronald, Douglas and Robert; siblings Kent, Lila, Glen and Barbara. Her services were at Rest Land Funeral in Dallas, TX.

I led you here to prison
After dragging you through hell
You may not recognize me, but you know me very well.
I’m the who cradled you
And I was always there
To comfort and console you when life seemed so unfair.
Was there when you were lonely,
The only one around.
Always there to pick you up when you were feeling down,
I flattered you with feelings,
Or so I made you think.
Then led you into quicksand,
Stood by and watched you sink.
Took away your will to live
And stole your dignity.
Wrapped you in my golden chains and wouldn’t set you free
Took all of your possessions,
Your money and your name.
Left your life in shambles, then led you off in shame.
Though first I brought you pleasure
And took away your pain,
Soon I brought you madness,
 and made you go insane.
Now let me introduce myself
In case you still don’t know.
My name is your addiction And I’ll never let you go
However, you can control me,
Live happy healthy and free.
But you must keep me locked inside
And throw away the key.
Cause if you should ever release me
By using drugs again,
I’ll take you back to hell with me
And this time do you in.
By Brian Andrews

VBS at Almeda United Methodist Church will start July 21st thru the 25th. Sunday starts with supper at 5:30. Mon. –Thurs is 6-8:30.
VBS at Anderson Road Baptist Church June 24-29 5:30 - 8:45 832 431 0566  or 713 433 7464

To announce VBS in July or August free of charge call or email before the 25th.

Vinson Library
3810 West Fuqua 832-393-2120 Open Tue. & Wed. 10-6 Thurs 12-8 Fri. 1-5 Sat. 10-5 Closed Sun. & Mon.
Multi-center open Mon. –Fri.
Sienna Branch Library
8411 Sienna Springs Blvd. 281-238-2900 Regular programs have resumed. You must register for free computer classes go online at (, click on “Calendar,” select “Sienna Branch,” and find the program. Or call the library at 281-238-2950, or 281 238 2900 or visit the library.
 Email from Joyce Scott.
Dollie and Gordon Scott were my parents. I married in the church then moved to Cazenovia, New York in 1975. I am married to the same "Yankee" Ron and we have 3 children. three grandchildren and one step grandchild. I am new to the computer world, but am trying to learn and found your blogging/e-mail address. My parents were loyal to Almeda.
Almeda moe
Moe decided to give his son a fatherly talk. “Son,” said Moe, “ I am so proud of you. Now, you have graduated you will have lots of opportunities. You will also face some hard times, but I want you to know I’ll always be there for you and if there is anything you need you come to me. I’ll show you how to get along without it.”

Evil is the result of what happens when man does not have God's love present in his heart. It's like the cold that comes when there is no heat or the darkness that comes when there is no light.' Albert Einstein.

Weingarten’s was where Food-A-Rama is now. Eckerd’s Drugs were on the far west in a separate building. In between was a barber shop. East of Weingarten’s was TGY, a movie theater and a Firestone Tire store.
Before 1953, Fuqua was a short dirt road called Romaine with two houses, according to Fred & Frances Bones. The Woolsom house was bought by LaFleur and another home at the end of Romaine (about 1/3 a mile) was where George Ando had a truck farm. His okra fields stretched to the drainage ditch.

Joaquin Rodriquez loves history so much he has read Back Yonder in Almeda twice. Send $14.50 to P. O. Box 450336 Houston Texas 77245 to have a copy of the history of Almeda mailed to you. Call 713-433-1098 for more info. .

The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government,” Thomas Jefferson

Thousands of soldiers have died to give us freedom  but all the armies in the world can’t free us from our own sinful, selfish nature. Only Jesus Christ can do that. 

Students and parents had plenty of fun and food thanks to the Almeda UMC and the Harvest UMC.