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What got left out of the April issue

I forgot to include the following for the April Issue

every Tue. and Thur. from 12:30 to 3:30 pm at Vinson Library.
NRA members meet May 3rd and 4th at the George R. Brown Convention Center. Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz, Governor Perry, LA Governor Jindal, Rick Santorum and Asa Hutchinson will be in attendance. Ticket prices for NRA members are $10 for one event. Call 1 877-672-7632 for more info
Fresno Fresh Water Board
The Water Board meets every third Thursday of the month. They will meet at 6:30 at the Mustang Community Center which is open to the public. The minutes are posted at Fort Bend
In the minutes of the Jan. 17th meeting, the Operator’s report from Mr. Anmel said the district pumped 2,933,000 gallons of water for the month. The district has 366 connections. Operational charges were $16,708 and a repaired chlorinator cost $728 A special session was held on March 27th at 1980 Post Oak Blvd. Suite 1380. One of the items on the agenda was a discussion on a policy regarding customer leaks and billing adjustments.

ELSIE ROCO SURFACE passed away March 21, 2013. Elsie attended Almeda School and graduated from San Jac. Not far from San Jac, Elsie’s father, Morris Roco, had an auto repair shop on Almeda Road. Most of his customers were from Almeda. The family moved to Almeda in 1936. Elsie became a devoted Christian, always wanting to help others. Preceded in death by her four brothers, Morris, Al, Calvin and Richard, Elsie is survived by her husband, Bill Surface; children Bill Jr., Morris, Daniel, Nancy, and Bonnie; sisters, Marion Binner and Sue Parker. 

Jesus said, “because I live you shall live also.” John 14:19

3810 West Fuqua 832-393-2120
Open Tue. & Wed. 10-6, Thurs. 12-8 Fri. 1-5, Sat. 10-5. closed Sun. & Mon.
Multi-center open Mon. thru Fri. 

 Sienna Branch Library,
8411 Sienna Springs Blvd ,281-238-2900
Book Club, April 8, at 10 am; Crime Mystery Book Club  7 pm, April 23, Culinary Book Club April 15, at 1:30 pm, “Spring Vegetable Dishes.”
CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS Mother Goose Time, Toddler Time, Story Time, Kinder Korner,  “Pajama Night Story Time -- every Mon. at 6:30 pm -s The After-School Break grades 1-5 only on 4th Thur.t 4:15 pm. ”Book club for 4th and 5th grades –2nd Tue. at 4:15 pm. Teen Programs, 6:30 pm on the 1st and 3rd Tue. 6-8.
April 16 – Teen Study Break
COMPUTER CLASSES Free but reservations required:“MS Word Survival Basics for Spanish-Speaking Adults,” April 9th, 10 am, “MS Word: Intermediate for Spanish-Speaking Adults,” April 16, at 10 am,
“MS Word Survival Basics” for version 2007 April 3rd 10:00 am, “MS Word: Intermediate April 10th 10 am, “Blogging for Dollars” April 17th 10 am, Digital Storytelling April 24th 10 am. Teach Yourself How to Type”
Job & Career Accelerator™ resource to the LearningExpressLibrary online database. The Job & Career Accelerator feature enables job-hunters to explore info on 1,000 different occupations, and five million up-to-the-minute local and national job postings, providing valuable tips and advice through every step of the job-search process. The staff at Sienna will present a demonstration April 11 at 10 am of the LearningExpressLibrary’s Job & Career Accelerator resource. It can be accessed remotely at any time of the day or night from a home computer with an Internet connection. A library card barcode number is required to use this resource outside of the library. For more info 281-341-2677.
Three-part series of “Job-Search Survival Tips,” April 22nd, 23rd,&25th, from 5:30 to 8:30 pm,
Sweet Adelines International on Saturday, May 4, beginning 

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